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Justin Vogt

I'm Justin Vogt, a Senior Legislative Assistant in the United States Congress.

During the 110th, 111th, and 112th Congresses, Justin Vogt has been a staff member in the United States House of Representatives with a Congressman representing a Congressional District of Texas. While serving as Senior Legislative Assistant, he has advised a Congressman on a variety of legislative issues, such as Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Transportation, and Telecommunications. Upon receiving a new Security Clearance, Justin has recently been advising the Congressman on Defense and Intelligence related issues. As an asset to the legislative team in the Congressman office, Justin is fluent on Congressional process – having passed over 20 bills or amendments on the House floor. Growing up, Justin attended Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia, where he also received the rank of Eagle Scout. Justin then attended and graduated Auburn University focusing in Political Science, Constitutional Law, and English. He has worked in both the both public and private sector prior to his time working in Congress. Specialties Expert in governmental strategy, public policy, federal legislation and Congressional affairs. Security clearance information available on request.

Justin Vogt's Background

Justin Vogt's Experience

Legislative Assistant at U.S. House of Representatives

January 2008 - December 2011

Handled policy areas of Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Resources, Telecommunications, and Transportation Responsible for Member's work on the House Committee on Agriculture Committee work included 2008 Farm Bill meetings and passage and 2012 preliminary Farm Bill work Responsible for all Appropriations requests within my policy areas Meet with national group representatives and representatives from the state and district Responsible for developing new legislation at the request of the Congressman Authored H.R. 1914, the Gas Price Stabilization Act, to authorize sales from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Authored committee passed H.R. 2167 (111th) to create new National Heritage Area in Rio Grande Valley Authored text in House passed bill H.R. 2454 (American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009) Worked with Agriculture and Energy & Commerce Committees as part of staffing H.R. 2454 Authored text in House passed bill H.R. 6899 (Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act) Authored Amendment language in House passed H

Staff Assistant / Legislative Correspondent at U.S. House of Representatives

August 2007 - December 2007

Provided key constituent services such as flag and tour requests Assisted staff by attending briefings, writing constituent letters, and distributing materials to other member offices Responsible for all received correspondence including constituent mail, phone calls, and faxes Worked extensively on Fireside and Capitol Correspondence mail programs Prepared form letter replies to constituents on legislative topics

Commercial Development Coordinator Intern at City of Richmond

June 2007 - October 2007

Assisting Commercial Development Coordinator in aspects of department to gain experience in government arena Completed City projects, including an economic survey of the 501 East Franklin Building

Accounts Payable Assistant at SMG

June 2007 - October 2007

Coding all accounts payable for the coliseum Assisting the Finance Director and Controller in administrative duties.

Senior Legislative Assistant at U.S. House of Representatives

December 2011

Handle policy areas of Agriculture, Campaigns & Elections, Defense, Energy, Environment, Intelligence, Resources, Telecommunications, and Transportation Responsible for Member's work on the House Committee on Agriculture

Justin Vogt's Education

Auburn University

2002 – 2007

Bachelor of Arts Degree

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